Successful applicants
You will receive a Letter of Offer, a Letter of Acceptance, and an Acquittal Form will be linked to your Smarty Grants account. The Letter of Offer will include Terms and Conditions of the grant, any special conditions that may have been attached to your grant and GST information.
Conditions of funding may include:
- Period for which grant is offered, with milestone dates.
- Specification of agreed output.
- Ensure recognition of Council’s participation.
- Obtain all necessary consents and approvals.
- At the completion of the project provide Council with an Acquittal Report, including final costs, together with details of community participation.
- Council’s financial responsibility being limited to the approved grant.
- All attempts must be made to purchase on a competitive basis, goods & labour from within the Flinders Shire.
- Any extension or request to carry over funding into the next year is to be requested in writing to Council and will be considered. The final outcome is at Council discretion.
- An obligation to notify Council of any material changes in the project.
- Upon returning of the signed Letter of Offer, the Community Group is to provide a Tax Invoice for the Grant Amount (plus GST) to Council for payment. It is a requirement that all unspent funds are to be returned to Council.
You will need to complete and sign the Letter of Acceptance before any funding will be released. You have 12 months from the date of signing the Letter of Acceptance to complete the project.
Council may offer a lower funding amount than required and may place conditions on or be specific about the items in the budget that it is offering to fund. This will require applicants to revise the original budget and proposal outcomes to show that the proposal can still be completed, and the outcomes achieved.
Unsuccessful applicants
Failure to receive funding is not necessarily due to a poor application but may be the result of the demand for funds. For feedback on your grant application, please refer to the contact phone number given in your notification letter.